so tired after a long day, but eventually went there with Yuki.
And met Sofia, Olia, and their friend in the entrance( almost got lost!)

It's an outdoor party on 2nd floor of The Rouges
becuase we're late so it's already crowded, full of people
(after all, more than 200 out of 345 exchange signed up)

and soon, i was stuck in the crowd of my friends,
kissing each other's cheek, hugging, and chatting.

It's sooooooo excited to see al my friends are here, altogether.
Andras(You Cut your hair!! How do you know i sang Volare for italian song?)
Kasper(long time no see, and only swiss don't kiss one another..! XD)_
Filipo(you look better than you were in CB class XD)
Mattia(oh you're really a nice guy, why i found out so late,i shouldgive you my assignment!XD)
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Matteiu                         Fillipo                 Andras                 Chris                      Yuki                      Sofia, Olia        

at that time, they're giving prize to, i don't know, like best couple?
cuz i saw Frank and Robyn got on stage for the prize XD
and on the other side, a bunch of Portugeses and Italians that i know,
were shouting and yelling, lol, these guys are crazy.

Then i met Rachel, Alice, and 王倩,they've already been here a while,

but walking in the crowd, i'm always distracted or attracted to sth new

Elodie(Good luck to your Vientam Trip tmr!)
Chris!(Long time no see, XD) and Madalena as well
Robin(Hey, this is the first time you kiss me on the cheek)
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Elodie                       Chris                        Robin

Mark (surprised you approached Alice XD, and maybe we can meet up in Bangkok!)
Maxim(finally know your name, don't flirt with me! you look like the Brazilian)
and Benjamin and Agnes(I like you two, but are you sure you're not together?)
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Ria,Mark,Jose.         Maxime&Olia        Benjamin, Agnes

Filipe (just take the pic would be fine...)
Joao (oh~i thought you would stay! oh but others won't...:(  )
Francisco (You're still so cute! and i'm glad that the guy i missed isn't you.
I missed the chance to take pic with you, cuz Charlotte is nearby...)
Joao                                                       Filipe

And Malaika!!(oh dear i miss you, i know you'd have forgotton me XD! (pretend
 to cry)and i always so happy to by your side!)
Frank's prize is a "I love woman on top T-shirt" XD
Marco! i miss you too! you're still so lovely
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Malaika                           Marco                  Frank's prize          Frank               Marco

I wanna take photos with all my friends, all the people i know here.

Morris and as well the Turkish Girl(too hard to pronounce her name)
Ria, and Jose-Adrian(Yes, in Luara's party)
Emanuele,Valeria, Veronika(you finally show up! i'm wondering how's it possible
that you're not here! and i'm really worse than you think, in drinking XD)
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Ria,Mark,me,Jose      Morris                                        Valeria, Veronika            Veronika


And i did get so hot, after merely 2 beers, robin said i'm like a heater
(and i'm sorry if i ruined your holiday, and you said you've already known)

There were some talks every now and then.
Like Andras liked to show up to tease and tickle me, you're a jerk!
the only who know i'm ticklish  but still tickle me!!
And Frank did, too!! *fighting back*
(Robin, i was hoping you're the nice guy to protect me! T__T)


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Alissa, Chris,              Michele

And i also have a talk with chris, he asked me if go out with soemone recently?
i said no ask him why there's no one after him, and i blame it on him XD
i said it's your fault ruining my possible relationship with others, haha
but he said he didn't choose that. He said he cannot understand why I didn't
attract others, either.(Thank you) and he also told me not to act nice always.
try to make myself more challenging XD(yeah, like Andras said, naughty...)
It's so fun to talk to Chris like, i have to admit you do understandme somewhat,
and i prefer to talk 'bout sth like this than boring routine.

And then Marco came(i don't know why i'm so popular tonight, pretty dress?)
and i did spent most of the time being with him.
we talked lots of things and i forgot most of it.

And i don't know why it's so easy for people here to find out i'm ticklish?
alright, and marco also told me how to make him feel ticklish,
with certain time, and certain area..XD?
but Marco! i thought you're nice guy....T__T

When i talked to someone also from St.Gallen, without knowing who he is
(Gus! Where are you?!)
Someone started to fight! We saw someone rushed( people around him try to stop
him) to Joao and punch him. And it was so chaotic that friends of theirs
rush and push, trying to keep them apart. some one stumbled.

And i also have to carefully keep away from them, cuz it just happened in front
of me. wow, i'm a little scared but more thrilled to watch this, unexpectedly.
but still don't know why they fight, maybe b/c Joao kissed sb's girl?
(and i think i also saw that...)

I also saw some of my frineds, Mattieu, Alberto, Filipe... running up and down,
trying to settle this down.

and after that, another fight again(but this time i missed it)
but this time, POLICE came.....haha, how funny it is
The police definitely think it's a trouble seeing so many foreigners at a time.

(but actually, on the otherside of the club, most of the people didn't notice
what happened, they just kept dancing...)


Well, after that, the Swiss guy asked me to join them to go to a club on Orchard road.
 I said yes, at first. And i also met Malaika and others leaving.
And i asked Marco either i should go with Swiss guy or go with them..
Marco hold me and pushed me along the aisle and said what he can do to make me join them.
well, i think it's pretty easy..(i'm so easy to surrender..)
And he said he would do some effort after that..(XD..alright)

so we went with Robyn and Frank(his foot got hurt.)
and met Malaika, Sylvain, at the Indian food store.
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But we all end up feeling very sleepy.
i like his fingers to linger on my shoulder and when we hug, though.
so after that, we still go back home separately *regret now XD*

Is it possile for me and Marco,

(well, but i think it's impossbile now, after 3 days XD)


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